The Housing Action Team works towards the goal of safe and quality housing for everyone within the Dunn County community! This goal can be achieved through education and advocacy.
In 2022, a Dunn County Housing Study was conducted with a specific emphasis on Dunn County as a whole, Menomonie, and Elk Mound. The results of the study showed that the biggest barriers facing housing are access, affordability, and quality living conditions. The full report can be found here.
Want to know more about HAT? Contact Lindsey at lwyatt@co.dunn.wi.us
2025 Meeting Schedule
January 15th
February 19th
March 19th
April 16th
May 21st
June 18th
July 16th
August 20th
September 17th
October 15th
November 19th
December 17th​​

Did you miss one of the meetings? Then feel free to click this link and read through the meeting agendas and minutes from previous meetings.
This can be a great way to catch up on things before the next meeting!